January 22nd - Polysubstance Use During the Opioid Crisis
Presented by Debbie Gray
Session Description:
Rural areas of the United States have been disproportionately impacted by the opioid epidemic. To improve treatment outcomes in rural, as well as urban settings, polysubstance use is increasingly recognized as an important determinant. Recent research suggests that for many individuals living with addiction, particularly those with opioid use disorder, polysubstance use is the norm rather than the exception (Cicero et al., 2020; Peppin et al., 2020; Mahoney 3rd et al., 2021; Palamar et al., 2018). In this presentation, participants will learn about the latest research of polysubstance use during the Opioid crisis and acquire targeted clinical interventions tailored to communities impacted the most by the Opioid crisis.
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